XS (<-575)
SM (576->)
MD (768->)
LG (992->)
XL (1200->)

Installation of photovoltaic panels

The topic of renewable resources is close to us. Therefore, we are pleased that we have successfully installed and commissioned photovoltaic panels for the production of electricity for our operation.


To work by bike 2023

This year, we participated for the third time in the Slovakian campaign „To work by bike“ 👌


Spanner Fest 2023

Thank to all colleagues and their families who participated in this year’s Spanner Fest and provided a great atmosphere on a June Friday afternoon 🙏👨‍👩‍👧‍👦


Our company teambuilding

We joined forces, we had a good time, and on nice sunny days we will now be able to enjoy lunch in a nicely environment of the company 💪🧑‍🌾🍽


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